Ana Hernández

composer, arranger, workshop facilitator, author, and mischief maker

Support Your Local Sacred Musician

An occasional blog where anything can become a topic.

The Future of Singing Together

What you need to know before you decide to sing with others. Bottom line: It’s nowhere near safe to sing anywhere near other people until there’s a vaccine available for the Covid-19 virus. Here’s good solid science and data with best info as of early May 2020. It’ll take you three hours to listen to the entire webinar and sift through the links, which are worth it. Add 12 more minutes to read Erin Bromage’s post and you’ll be informed enough to walk through this pandemic with your friends and colleagues.

First up: The Actual Conversation: NATS Webinar May 5th, 2020

Next, not all of the resources were able to be shown on the webinar, but they’re all here. Scroll down to this: Additional resources mentioned in the webinar

There’s lots of amazing and sobering information here, and you need it to make an informed decision as to when or whether you can allow your choir/band/ensemble to meet, and how you might set up services, classes, rehearsals and performances. The estimate is 18-24 months at the earliest before a vaccine is available, and there are a lot of things to consider, so bring pen and paper and take notes!

Participating Organizations:


Here’s another important read (12 minutes) from Erin Bromage:
The Risks – Know Them – Avoid Them
She’s good at turning the jargon into language we can all understand.

I’ll keep reading and sorting for the gold as usual. Be safe and stay well out there.


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