Ana Hernández

composer, arranger, workshop facilitator, author, and mischief maker

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An occasional blog where anything can become a topic.

Lightening Strikes Twice!

Last July I wrote a blog post about my first patron, and how a guitar just showed up on my doorstep one Good Friday, delivered by the UPS man (See Still Grateful After All These Years, July 2010).

Well, in spite of the fact that it’s not Good Friday, as luck (grace?) would have it another guitar has made its way to my doorstep. I kid you not. I wasn’t at home to receive the box, but I did get an email from my friend, editor, and plant sitter Maura which said “Why didn’t you tell me you’d ordered a new guitar?” To which I instantly hit reply and typed “Because I didn’t order a new guitar?”

Then I called her immediately and asked if she was sure it was a) a guitar, and b) addressed to me. To which she replied “Yes, it’s a big box that says C.F.Martin & Co.”
Ana: (FREAKING OUT!) “But I didn’t order a guitar!”
Maura: “Well, I suppose it could be a random box of wood. It’s heavy, and I carried it in all by myself while Joe sat in the car with the dogs.”
Ana: “Okay. Are you kidding me? You’re not, are you? You don’t lie. Who sent it?”
Maura: “It only says C.F. Martin on the box.”

Oh. My. God.

I don’t think Maura knew that this had already happened to me once before, about thirty years ago, at this same time of year. What are the chances? Well it turns out they’re better than one might think.

Stay open people. You never know what amazing things might be on their way into your life.


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