Ana Hernández

composer, arranger, workshop facilitator, author, and mischief maker

Trinity-in-the-Woods – Farmington Hills, MI

HeartSong Workshop!

Whether you’re in a small church with limited resources, or in a larger place looking for a way to help your community find and/or build its collective voice, learn to play and pray together more deeply, HeartSong is the workshop that will enable you to deepen (or create!) your community of practice through increasing your capacity to stay present in the shared creation of sound and silence (and all the things).  We will listen deeply to the spirit within, share what we notice, reclaim the joy of group learning by rote, utilize repetition, and engage our oft ignored ability to harmonize on the spot. With simple chants and global songs, our time together will be transformative and deeply fun. Sing your way to your sweetest identity, individually and collectively, each person open to sharing more of who they are becoming and confident that the spiritual work they do to become their best selves will be honored and be integrated into the larger community.  There will be singing, drumming, movement, and group improvisation – all of which will leave your community with more tools to invite, encourage, and include absolutely everybody to participate in the growth of the Beloved Community. Teams welcome!

1-5 pm

To register, Contact Trinity-in-the-Woods: (248) 474-2860

Singing Spirit Image

Ana Hernandez teaches chanting as a spiritual practice for individuals and groups. She is the author of The Sacred Art of Chant: Preparing to Practice, (SkylightPaths Turner Publications), a recording artist, composer, retreat facilitator, and song leader. Her workshops use sound to revitalize prayer and build openhearted, engaged, and playful communities. She loves collaboration, mischief, being here now, diving deep, and a good laugh.


Location: 26880 La Muera St, Farmington Hills, MI 48334