Sing Truth: Leadership for
Resistance and Resilience
I’m excited to be leading a workshop here!
Join me, along with these beautifuls:
Brian McLaren – Melanie DeMore
Patrice Turner – Mark Miller
Monty Jackson – Christopher Grundy
Ken Medema – Andra Moran
Paula D’Arcy – Richard Bruxvoort Colligan
Bryan Sirchio – The Many
Three days of powerful talks, inspiring music, provocative workshops & community-building
We’ll explore…
What vital and transformung worship means from a progressive or convergence perspective, and what the role of music can and should play in the context of worship, spiritual formation, and social transformation.
We will be especially focused this year on finding, using, and creating the songs we need to respond to this particular moment in history – a moment in which speaking truth to power in love is needed perhaps more than ever.
We will sing new community songs created specifically for this time in our history and explore together how the songs we sing in worship (and beyond) can empower and encourage us as we live out the biblical call to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God.”
We’ll share…
Ideas and best practices, soulful worship, and the blessings of being in community, networking, and encouraging each other in our respective ministries.
There will be…
Keynote addresses, opportunities for songwriters and composers to share their own material, and opportunities to create new music and liturgy together during the event. Many new musical resources will be available, and there will also be an emphasis on encouraging and equipping local congregations to create new music and art and liturgy in their contexts.
Location: Northwest Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), 340 Fishinger Rd. Upper Arlington, OH 43221