Come, come, whoever you are!
Join me, along with Brian McLaren, Bryan Sirchio, Andra Moran, Richard Bruxvoort Colligan, Doug Pagitt, Vince Anderson, Gary Moore, Paul Demer, and more at this gathering for worship leaders, musicians, songwriters, artists of all kinds, clergy, and all involved in leading and designing worship experiences for communities of faith. We’ll explore what vital and transforming worship means from a progressive or Convergence perspective, and what the role of music plays in this reformation and deepening of worship. We’ll share ideas and best practices, explore new forms of worship, and listen for what the Holy Spirit is saying as we pray our way into a more just and generous expression of the Christian faith. Keynote addresses, musical resources for your congregation, workshops (one by me!) opportunities for songwriters and composers to share and create new music and liturgy together. The emphasis is on encouraging and equipping local congregations to create new music, art, and liturgy in their contexts.
Early Bird registration is only $199 before Christmas, and $224 after December 25th. You can also register for Brian McLaren’s keynote and the opening concert only, or get a One-Day pass! Possibilities abound!
Registration options here:
FYI – Lodging and meals are not included
Location: 3601 Hillsboro Pike, Nashville, TN 37215