Ana Hernández

composer, arranger, workshop facilitator, author, and mischief maker

Abbey of the Arts Workshop!


I’ve been invited to lead a short workshop for the Abbey, a lovely community of people. Everyone is welcome to this vocal tune up, and there will be singing and fun. Here’s the description:

The voice you’ve been given is part of your gift to the world and is unique in the universe. Join us as we re-discover God with and in our voices; listen deeply and experience the ways sound touches spirit; explore chants to heal ourselves and the world; reflect on sounds that open (and close) our hearts. Learn how your voice lives in your body and how to use it to generate health and healing. 

The Abbey of the Arts will record this event and make available if you’re unable to attend the live broadcast, and it will be available as long as their website exists. Sweet, huh?

Registration and more information can be found here:
Sound as Prayer: Songs and Mantras for the Way

$12 – I’ll pay the standard fee
$16 – I would like to sponsor others
$8 – I would like to make use of scholarship funds

6-7pm Ireland – 2-3pm Eastern – 11am-12pm Pacific