Ana Hernández

composer, arranger, workshop facilitator, author, and mischief maker

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Don’t Be Afraid – Retreat Resources Pt. 2

Hello! Here’s the link for Session Three, wherein I talk a bit about mindfulness and how to expand our capacity to carry the hand we are dealt in life without it overwhelming us. At about the 20:30 I teach the Sam Kien U Ki, another spiritual exercise that has been a part of my morning meditations for about 20 years.
Sam Kien U Ki

This Chinese meditation with sound is 2000 years old, from the Shaolin Taoist tradition. It is a basic preparatory exercise to enhance receptivity and the ability to contain and transmit vibration and/or sound. It improves breathing and awareness. It can change your life. It has certainly changed mine.

Eastern visualization:

There are three circles:

I am full.

I am empty.

I receive from nature and I give back to nature.


Next, the Western visualization taught to me by Pat Moffitt Cook and Ruth Cunningham.

I bring down from heaven             Inhale

I swallow it

I go into the world

I bring back                                       Oars

I give back                                         Exhale (on Hee)

I go down to Earth                           Inhale

I receive from the Earth

I open

I give back                                         Exhale (on Hee)

This is an open-eyed meditation, so find a spot in front of you, then let your vision go slack.
This exercise is to be repeated 9x or 36x

Either visualization will suffice. If you have questions, feel free to ask in the comments and I’ll reply.