A few years ago I wrote Forget Lent: Practice Being Love and Forget Lent II: Practice Showing Love. Simple is enough. While pondering a simple tune for this year, Open Continues…
Support Your Local Sacred Musician
An occasional blog where anything can become a topic.
God Will Watch Over
May you find a reason to sing today.
I will give you rest
A tune to settle monkey mind. Even if it spins out of control with harmonies, they’ll quiet soon enough and you’ll find that calm, stable place deep within.
Another World
The text is adapted from a quote by Arundhati Roy, one of my heroines. It was printed on a postcard I was given at Mary Busby’s lovely Sagrada Sacred Arts, Continues…
Holy Innocents
Once in a blue moon, someone asks if I know any tunes for the Feast of the Holy Innocents (Dec. 28th). Hymns for the Holy Innocents are scant, partly because Continues…