In 2005, Ruth Cunningham and I recorded our first album as HARC (Hernandez Ana Ruth Cunningham). At the time, we were chanting many of the same mantras in our personal Continues…
Support Your Local Sacred Musician
An occasional blog where anything can become a topic.
Feeling Grateful for Life
There are so many things to reflect on daily, but today is December 31st and I’m grateful to so many for so so much, that the only way to Continues…
Listening in the Dark
Listening in the Dark: Daily Advent Reflections for Radical Discipleship Communities, edited by Tommy Airey and Lydia Wylie-Kellerman The season of Advent continues to roll around each year, and as Continues…
The Big Chants Project: we’re on our way!
Hi, Everyone, Thanks to all of you who have made donations to The Big Chant Project! In less than three months we’ve had 112 gifts for a total of $13,500! Continues…
Big Chants Project – New From Ana
Hi, Everyone, On May 21st, 2017, I begin recording my ninth album (Number 9, Number 9…), tentatively called The Big Chants Project—a mostly live recording of multi-part chants and Continues…