Here’s a beautiful story from WBUR in Boston, from a Service of Remembrance I did on Dec. 9th for FriendshipWorks, an interfaith organization that matches volunteer caregivers with older adults Continues…
Support Your Local Sacred Musician
An occasional blog where anything can become a topic.
Firelight Praise
It’s Teresa of Avila’s feast day again. Oct. 15th, every year. We’re eight months into a pandemic, and the COVID-19 infection rate is climbing again at an alarming rate. This Continues…
Eviction=death, especially in a pandemic. You can’t stay home if you haven’t got a home. Cancel the rent. The NYS Tenant Safe Harbor act is not an eviction moratorium. Don’t Continues…
Craft, Skill, Remuneration, and the Death of the Handshake
Every week I hear from people all over the country who have enjoyed and/or been moved by a tune of mine, and every other week I’m invited to lead a Continues…
Shall We Gather at the River
The way I heard this story back in the 1980s was that there was a woman who attended Hanson Place Baptist Church in Brooklyn’s Fort Greene neighborhood during the Smallpox Continues…