This world is wild as an old wives’ tale, And strange the plain things are, The earth is enough and the air is enough For our wonder and our war; Continues…
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An occasional blog where anything can become a topic.
Advent Reflection IX: Art to Ponder
Last year I curated an Advent art exhibit for the Episcopal Church Visual Arts folks called Imaging the Sacred Art of Chant. You might like the curator’s statement, too.
Advent Reflection VIII: Humility and Presence
Wait! Wait! Wait! Everyone’s preparing, but I’ve just begun to wrap my head around the waiting theme I’ve spent the last week exploring. Once I got the idea of waiting Continues…
Advent Reflection VII: Pay Attention
Are we almost there? How much longer till I’m safe in bed at home? How much money do I owe for what I own? How much left to pay?
Advent Reflection VI: I find myself waiting
How this heart no larger than my hand can enfold heaven, hell, and this wide earth this is the mystery no one will ever understand. – Angelus Silesius