Ana Hernández

composer, arranger, workshop facilitator, author, and mischief maker

  • La Iglesia Santa Cruz, Kingston, NY

    March 30, 2025

    Santa Cruz

    Unase a nosotros a las 4:00 pm para la Misa
    Join us at 4:00 pm for Holy Eucharist

    Enamorate de Dios, hermosas canciones en espanol, y toda la gente linda. Ven a cantar y orar con nosotras.

    Fall in love with God, beautiful Spanish songs, and all the lovely people. Come, sing and pray with us!

    Location: 30 Pine Grove Ave. Kingston, NY 12401

  • St. Michael’s Episcopal Church Women’s Retreat

    April 4-6, 2025

    I’m so excited to be leading the women of St. John’s annual retreat this year! We’ll be at the lovely Community of St. John Baptist in Mendham, NJ. There will be praying, singing, and spiritual exercises, among other things.

    Location: 82 W. Main st. Mendham, NJ 07945

  • Trinity Cathedral, Sacramento, CA – Women’s Retreat

    May 2-4, 2025

    So happy to be returning to this great congregation to lead this year’s women’s retreat with my friend Megan Anderson. Gartin.

    Location: 2620 Capital Ave. Sacramento, CA

  • HeartSong: Building Communities of Practice

    June 10-12, 2025
    Sing your way to your best self, whether you belong to a small church or a larger parish, using music to deepen your prayer life. Led by author and artist Ana Hernandez, there will be singing, drumming, movement, group improvisation, and more, giving you the tools to grow the Beloved Community. Individuals and teams welcome.

    To register, Contact Trinity Retreat Center: or 917.594.5800

    Singing Spirit Image

    Ana Hernandez teaches chanting as a spiritual practice for individuals and groups. She is the author of The Sacred Art of Chant: Preparing to Practice, (SkylightPaths Turner Publications), a recording artist, composer, retreat facilitator, and song leader. Her workshops use sound to revitalize prayer and build openhearted, engaged, and playful communities. She loves collaboration, mischief, being here now, diving deep, and a good laugh.

    Location: 79 Lower River Rd, West Cornwall

  • Routley Lecturer

    June 15-27, 2025

    I’ve been invited to be the Routley Lecturer for 2025! Who and what is that, you wonder?

    Presbyterian Association of Musicians
    Worship and Music Conferences in Montreat

    Two identical inter-generational and interdenominational conferences with different attendees each week, the PAM Conferences have been around since 1956. The position of “Routley Lecturer” was founded in honor of Erik Routley, a famous hymnologist and includes five daily 50-minute lectures addressing congregational song plus planning and carrying out a mid-week hymn festival. The lectures are delivered twice daily, then, the next week I do it all over again!*

    It’s a huge honor to be invited and I can’t wait to meet the planning team! Come if you can!

    *Should I watch Groundhog Day on my day off?

  • LQBTQIA2S+ Retreat at Trinity Retreat Center!

    September 9-11, 2025

    Come celebrate our identity as members of the gender-queer community and know that each of us is beloved of God! This is an invitation for us to come together as Creator has made us!  We’ll pray/meditate, laugh, celebrate, give and receive support. Tell your story in a safe space, and listen to others tell theirs. We’ll share strategies for staying sane  There will be rest, singing, and dancing (possibly by the fire)! Join the Rev. Michelle Meech and Ana Hernández for a time of mindfulness, friendship, and healing.

    Michelle and I are so excited to facilitate this retreat together! Young, old, BIPOC (like me!), however you’ve managed to make it this far, join us in this beautiful space (and take a break from the everyday assaults we’re being subjected to.

    Registration info ASAP

    About the facilitators:
    Michelle has been teaching the Enneagram for over 20 years and is dedicated to helping people develop more compassion and peace in their lives through this transformational spiritual tool. She was trained by Don Riso and Russ Hudson of the Enneagram Institute and, several years later, discerned her call to priesthood in the Episcopal Church. Currently, Michelle works as the rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Kingston, NY. She lives in the rectory with her wife Ana where they grow things together.

    Ana Hernández
    Ana teaches chanting as a spiritual practice for individuals and groups. She is the author of The Sacred Art of Chant: Preparing to Practice, (SkylightPaths/Turner Publications), is a recording artist, composer, retreat facilitator, and song leader for the NYS Poor People’s Campaign. Her workshops use sound to revitalize prayer and build openhearted, engaged, and playful communities. She loves Michelle, collaboration, diving deep, and a good laugh.

    DMR_0565DRider_1609140565 Smaller

    Location: 79 Lower River Rd, West Cornwall

  • Choir Festival at the UU Fellowship of Raleigh, NC

    October 10-12, 2025

    The three Unitarian congregations in Raleigh, NC are coming together for a choir festival again and I’m so excited they’ve invited me to be artist/clinician! 125 singers participated in the 2023 festival, and that means there are SO MANY POSSIBILITIES! They’re familiar with a few of my tunes, and want to be able to take music back to their congregations to fold into their lives. They appreciate that many of my pieces have flexible voicing, and there’s a hunger for flexible, congregational singing. Pinch me!

    Dates aren’t quite finalized yet, but either Sat-Sun or Friday evening through Sunday. I’ll confirm asap, so check back.

    Location: 3313 Wade Ave., Raleigh, NC 27607

  • Converging 2025!

    October 15-18, 2025

    Convergence 2025

    Sing Truth: Leadership for
    Resistance and Resilience

    I’m excited to be leading a workshop here!
    Join me, along with these beautifuls:

    Brian McLaren – Melanie DeMore
    Patrice Turner – Mark Miller
    Monty Jackson – Christopher Grundy
    Ken Medema – Andra Moran
    Paula D’Arcy – Richard Bruxvoort Colligan
    Bryan Sirchio – The Many

    Three days of powerful talks, inspiring music, provocative workshops & community-building

    We’ll explore…
    What vital and transformung worship means from a progressive or convergence perspective, and what the role of music can and should play in the context of worship, spiritual formation, and social transformation.

    We will be especially focused this year on finding, using, and creating the songs we need to respond to this particular moment in history – a moment in which speaking truth to power in love is needed perhaps more than ever.  

    We will sing new community songs created specifically for this time in our history and explore together how the songs we sing in worship (and beyond) can empower and encourage us as we live out the biblical call to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God.”  

    We’ll share…
    Ideas and best practices, soulful worship, and the blessings of being in community, networking, and encouraging each other in our respective ministries.​

    There will be…
    Keynote addresses, opportunities for songwriters and composers to share their own material, and opportunities to create new music and liturgy together during the event. Many new musical resources will be available, and there will also be an emphasis on encouraging and equipping local congregations to create new music and art and liturgy in their contexts.

    Visit http://www.cmp/ for tickets!

    Location: Northwest Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), 340 Fishinger Rd. Upper Arlington, OH 43221