I am filled with gratitude for the extraordinary love and support I’ve received through the years and across the miles. I’ve visited your churches, we’ve shared food and drink, I’ve slept in some of your homes, played with your children, and we’ve definitely hatched a few plots. You’ve helped me release eight recordings and one book – so far.
You know that I operate by the skin of my wallet, and that a lack of money never stops me, but it does slow me down. I’ve been working on a new album for almost four years now, and I’m asking for your help because I’m finally convinced that The Big Chants Project is important enough to get past my twin antipathies: self-promotion and asking for help.
I’ve joined a site called Patreon. For those of you who don’t know – “Patreon is an American membership platform that provides business tools for content creators to run a subscription service. It helps creators and artists earn a monthly income by providing rewards and perks to their subscribers.” – Wikipedia
So here is your invitation to join me in making more music by becoming a member/subscriber to my new Patreon page:
Please click the link above and take a look around. Join me if you can or email me if you have questions. Every little bit helps! Then, PLEASE SHARE the link or this note with anyone you know who’s been moved by my work.
I’ve developed six different levels of patronage that range from $2.25 to $100 a month, each with different benefits. Absolutely everybody receives a new or previously unrecorded song every month. There will also be occasional videos, online gatherings, free books and recordings, even streaming licenses, depending upon the level you choose. We can also tweak the benefits to suit you. They’re not carved in stone, so if you’d rather have something else for your support, tell me.
The result: I’ll finally have some financial stability. There will be time to write and record, and you dear reader will receive a steady flow of beautiful and nutritious music to sing and to share. Amen. Alleluia.
Each month will feature a new song or chant; first from The Big Chants Project, which began in 2017 (and with your help, will be finished by November 2021). It features the Jazz Quintet from St. Peter’s Lutheran in NYC, led by Ike Sturm, and the adult and children’s choirs from Church of the Heavenly Rest in NYC, led by Mollie Nichols. The choral chants will be mixed in with smaller chants, protest songs, and God only knows what else, all to support you along your way.
The first post on the Patreon page is up: a solo chant with shruti box: Renew and Strengthen, a simple morning chant to waken and ground. You don’t have to be a member to listen to it, so click the link, take it in, and enjoy!
Deep thanks from my heart to yours,
All flourishing is mutual. – Robin Wall Kimmerer in Braiding Sweetgrass